No doubt that the new (to most of us) format of working is having a toll on us all. There are some benefits in flexibility and convenience, matched up with some drawbacks in collaboration and boundaries. One near-fatality of the pandemic for me was professional networking and mentorship. Online webinars have not been scratching that itch…
I have to hand it to the IDSA-Northern Lakes chapter for stepping up and continuing a series of online events that encourage actual interaction of the participants. I missed a handful recently because of other commitments, but I can say that I was anxious to get back in the fold. (I jumped back in yesterday evening). For me, the face-to-face interaction that I benefitted from with IDSA was invaluable, and the “topic-less” happy hour chats of this chapter help fill a bit of that void. It is only a part of the full solution, but I feel it is a part that is often overlooked. Thank you!
IDSA-NL Third Thursday Happy Hour